Our Policy


Our Policy

Complaint & Grievances :

As an ICF approved institute, in accordance with the Standards of the ICF Code of Ethics & Core Competencies, We at Neptune Excellence acknowledge and agree to fully impart the Coach Training Program with the best of our abilities and during the program we will stay true, honest and committed to delivering the program as per ICF Standards. If any participants feels that we are not complying with the ICF standards, they are free to complaint on the link given below. https://coachingfederation.org/

Disability/Discrimination/DEIJ Statement :

Neptune Excellence respects participants from all walks of life, cultures, religion, races, backgrounds, genders, disabilities. There is “ NO- BIAS” from Neptune Excellence towards any participants. Neptune Excellence generously offers all the assistance that is practically possible for participants requiring special needs.

Enrollment Agreement :

Neptune Excellence Coach Training Program is very challenging. Most participants at some point are confronted, challenged or stretched in some way. This agreement is about committing to completing the course, no matter how challenging it seems at the time. It is your responsibility to contact the training team for any necessary support. Many of you are already highly trained in different areas of personal development, training, business and coaching. In order to make this course effective it is important that at times you put aside what you already know and allow yourself to learn. I agree to complete the program no matter how challenging it may seem and I agree to put aside my previous knowledge and participate fully in the learning process.

Ethical Marketing Policy :

We at Neptune Excellence never use dishonest marketing tactics for our own or client marketing campaigns, including: False advertising: exaggerating values and benefits of our services. Fake or overly doctored reviews and testimonials. Inflated analytics or results when creating messaging for clients/ participants or within our advertising.

Illness Policy :

When you join a session the trainer will plan on you being there the whole time. If you are unable to be available due to any illness for the entire session you need to let one of the trainers know before training commences for that session. For prolonged absence due to illness you will be required to submit a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner. I agree to not leave a session early without speaking to one of the trainers.

Partial Completion Policy :

There will be vital information at each session. Completion of the program is based on having completed all modules, either live or via a catch – up session. If you miss more than one module per Core Unit (with no catch – up calls), the trainer has the right to take you out of the training program. Please note that a full day of training covers an average of five modules and the tele – calls cover one module each. We do understand emergencies occur and we will cater for these- please inform us of any emergencies as early as possible. Exceptions to these conditions are at the discretion of the Lead Trainer.

Refund Policy :

Refund before entering the training: If accepted into the program, the initial deposit is a non – refundable administrative fee. Refund once in training: If a participant chooses to withdraw from the training program, there will be no refund given. If a participant is asked to leave the training for violating policies and procedures agreed to in the training, no refund is given.

Philosophy for delivery & management of Program :

Sanjay Shesh our program director has authored a book called “ Change Sustained” our philosophy behind our program is change based. This inspires our participants to focus on their Thinking and bring about a positive change in their thinking to get to the best behaviour destination. The focus is on the journey of Change.

Transfer of Credit Policy :

We , Neptune Excellence acknowledge the fact that participants may have emergencies and may not be able to complete the program for the enrolled batch. In view of above Neptune Excellence offers to credit and complete the program in the next cohort.

Policy of Ethics, Integrity & Transparency


The success of our business is dependent on the trust and confidence we earn from our Participants and employees. We gain credibility by adhering to our commitments, displaying honesty and integrity and reaching company goals solely through honourable conduct. It is easy to say what we must do, but the proof is in our actions. Ultimately, we will be judged on what we do.
When considering any action, it is wise to ask: Will this build trust and credibility for Neptune Excellence? Will it help create a working environment in which Neptune Excellence can succeed over the long term? Is the commitment I am making one I can follow through with? The only way we will maximize trust and credibility is by answering “yes” to those questions and by working every day to build our trust and credibility.

Ethical Practices

We all deserve to work in an environment where we are treated with dignity and respect. Neptune Excellence is committed to creating such an environment because it brings out the full potential in each of us, which, in turn, contributes directly to our business success. We cannot afford to let anyone’s talents go to waste. Neptune Excellence is an equal Coach Training Institute which is committed to providing a workplace that is free of discrimination of all types and from abusive, offensive or harassing behavior. Any participant or employee who feels harassed or discriminated against should report the incident to the authorities. All Neptune Excellence participants are also expected to support an inclusive training program by adhering to the following conduct standards:

Treat others with dignity and respect at all times.

Address and report inappropriate behavior and comments that are discriminatory, harassing, abusive, offensive or unwelcome.

Foster teamwork and participant participation, encouraging the representation of different individual perspectives.

Seek out insights from participants with different experiences, perspectives and backgrounds.

Avoid slang or idioms that might not translate across cultures.

Support flexible arrangements for participants with different needs, abilities and/or obligations.

Confront the decisions or behaviors of others that are based on conscious or unconscious biases.

Be open-minded and listen when given constructive feedback regarding others’ perception of your conduct.

Neptune Excellence will not tolerate discrimination, harassment or any behavior or language that is abusive, offensive or unwelcome.

Create a Culture of Transparent and Honest Communication

At Neptune Excellence everyone should feel comfortable to speak his or her mind, particularly with respect to ethics concerns. Training director & faculty have a responsibility to create an open and supportive environment where participants feel comfortable raising such questions. We all benefit tremendously when participants exercise their power to prevent mistakes or wrong doing by asking the right questions at the right times. Neptune Excellence will investigate all reported instances of questionable or unethical behavior. In every instance where improper behavior is found to have occurred, the company will take appropriate action. We will not tolerate retaliation against participants who raise genuine ethics concerns in good faith.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)